December 7 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Sign up to shopThe shopping day is Saturday, December 7. Gifts are limited. Parents can sign up for a shopping slot beginning Saturday, November 2.
We want parents and guardians to be their children’s heroes on Christmas morning. Through shopping and paying for their own gifts, parents and guardians can take ownership of their family’s Christmas.
You may donate gifts and/or money. Gifts should be brand new, still in the original packaging.
Each gift should cost between $25 and $30 (not less and not too much more).
Gifts can be delivered to Lawton Street Christian Church at 315 South Lawton Street, Jasonville Wednesdays between 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm.
Monetary donations can be mailed to Lawton Street Christian Church, 315 South Lawton Street, Jasonville, Indiana 47438, ATTN: The Christmas Store. Please note The Christmas Store on your donation.